"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney

August 2022

Writing Muse: Not for Hire

A Little History: What is a muse anyway? I looked up Muse in the World History Encyclopedia and this popped up for me: In Greek mythology, the nine Muses are…

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Research Fiction? Can’t I Make it UP?

Someone once told me that fiction writers don’t need to conduct research, they can use their imagination. I wish that were true. Unfortunately, getting facts correct is required in fiction…

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NaNoWriMo: A Month of Poorly Written Novels

National Novel Writing Month November. The magical month where writers everywhere write a book in a month. Every year, I take part and I have only finished once, and I…

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Writing Romance: Unwritten Rules and Fairy Tale Endings

Contemporary–Unwritten Rules Wouldn’t it be great if life was like a romance novel? Have you ever noticed that the endings are always happy? The couple finds their way to each…

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Writer’s Block: Staring at a Blinking Cursor

Writer’s Block Fact or Fiction: Some writers do not believe in writer’s block. However, for me, writer’s block is not a myth or a fragment of my imagination. What I…

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